October 27, 2022 (VIRTUAL)
8:30 – 10:30 AM
Generations of Caring: Engaging, Supporting and Empowering Family Members!
Barry J. Jacobs, PhD.
Principal, Health Management Associates

In an environment where every segment of the healthcare continuum is struggling with ongoing workforce challenges, the necessity for families, friends, and others to become informal caregivers continues to grow. Who of us isn’t at various times, maybe even most times, caring for someone else? When one of the most viable, realistic solutions to the ongoing healthcare workforce challenge is to lean more heavily on informal caregivers, what is the impact on families, those who need care, our communities, and our health care system overall? How long and at what cost can we continue to count on this informal system? And what happens when, or if, this system is not enough? We will explore the realities of informal caregiving and what this may look like in the future as informal caregiving continues to evolve.
November 3, 2022 (VIRTUAL)
8:30 – 10:30 AM
More to Know on the Cures Act
Kevin Hancock, MA
Principal Consultant, Health Management Associates (HMA)

The 21st Century Cures Act is designed to support consumers on promoting a transparent system with multiple improvements across the sector. How will the impact of the Cures Act and the emerging ways regulations, policies, compliance, and quality intersect? What does this mean for consumers? How do providers of service respond and succeed in balancing meeting compliance requirements and achieving quality outcomes. Participants will be able to identify and understand the implications of these guidelines and how it impacts the long-term care human service system.
November 10, 2022 (VIRTUAL)
8:30 – 10:30 AM
Supporting Change on the Hill
Roy Afflerbach
Founder and President, The Afflerbach Group, LLC.

Policy Priorities & Advocacy Focus for SWPPA in 2023
This presentation will identify key state legislations that promote aging and disability services across the sector. The participant will understand the priority of the legislature, status of the legislation being presented as well as what Pennsylvanians should expect going forward as well as understand the importance of collective advocacy regarding critical policy agendas.
November 17, 2022 (IN-PERSON)
8:00 AM – 3:30 PM | Vincentian Learning & Engagement Institute
Healthcare Perspectives
Rob Oliver, MA
Motivational Speaker, Award Winning Author, Podcast Host

This presentation will share perspectives about utilization to advocacy of the long term / health care system from more than 200 consumers. Rob has focused on the advantages and disadvantages of the health system from the user’s perspective, especially considering how the system can be more user friendly. Moving integrated care models toward implementation of compliance and regulatory requirements and considering the evolution of long-term care services means there is a direct impact on all stakeholders. For the consumer/family, there is possibility of improved access to personal information and respect for choice and individuality in their services. For the provider, they must consider how to implement unfunded mandates and make critical decisions to continue to provide quality services.
Panel on Compliance Impact/Experiences Across the Spectrum
Moderator: Rob Oliver, MA
Richard Wellins, PhD
Retired Chief Marketing Officer, DDI
Michelle Lally, Esquire
Legal Counsel and Resident Advocate
Chris Phelps, MBA
Chief Program Officer, CLASS
Matt Perkins, MS
Chief Executive Officer, Service Coordination Unlimited
The panel discussion will offer perspectives from the consumer/family, and provider on the successes and challenges with access to the long-term services and supports and services of the health care system. You will hear personal responses to the questions below:
- What are the successes or advantages that are afforded to you?
- What are the challenges that you continue to face in this new human service market?
- In your opinion, what would make the perfect service delivery system?
Keynote Speaker: Energizing & Preparing for the Future of New & Innovative Services
Dr. Fady B. Sahhar
President, XtraGlobex, Inc.
President/CEO, ProVantaCare

As the human service system continues to evolve toward consumer based, person-centered approaches which are designed to provide community inclusion and age friendly environments that allow the community to age in place, the need for new and innovative approaches are critical to the success of meeting the new demands from consumers, providers, and government. Dr. Fady Sahhar will share the vision for what the community can anticipate as far as new trends impacting long term care services.